
Thursday, April 1, 2010


I feel kind of like a fake Lost fan because I JUST started watching it during its last season.
But, to my credit, I watched the first season THEN I watched the hilariously confusing "catch up" show the hour before the final season premiere.
So basically, I'm a huge Lost fan.

Its really exhausting talking about Lost, so I won't go into detail. Plus, there are about a billion lost super-fan bulletin boards that give away big secrets and decode everything important. But basically from the episode that aired on march 30th 2010, Sun and Jin AREN'T married, but in fact in a secret relationship kept from Sun's every so important father, Sayid intersects with their lives in this parallel universe, and DESMOND, oh desmond. I totally forgot about that guy. I tried researching about him online but was of course confused.
Idk, I felt like this episode didn't do as much justice to the final season as last week's beautiful Richard episode. I mean, did we really find out anything profound about Sun and Jin?
Lost fans: enlighten me.
AND ON ANOTHER NOTE: was it just my tv that didn't show scenes from next week's episode? Doesn't network television know that this is the most crucial and exciting part to any superfan's television experience? WTF ABC.

EDIT: So, apparently why its important that Sun and Jin aren't married is because in this parallel life, Sun is not technically a Kwon so there is a GREAT possibility that she's not a candidate. DAMN. Thanks Lost fanatics

I guess it'll just heighten the surprise factor of what's to come for next week! I'm pumped.
For all of those who, like me, want to experience the last season of Lost but haven't been watching, here is a very famous "Watch Lost in 8 minutes" video. Its really confusing, you might have to go through it a few times, but its great. Thanks, youtube

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