Do you ever wonder why you watch a certain show? Why is Law and Order SVU so popular? Or Grey's Anatomy? We watch as people are raped, murdered, lied to, and cheated on. Yet, instead of turning our backs on shows that some may deem "too depressing," millions of people continue to tune in the next week, and the week after, to watch these characters seemingly go through vicious cycles filled with despair and disappointment.
Off the top of my head, I can think of several different awful situations Violet has been in, only spanning the last couple seasons: had her unborn baby cut out of her by a lunatic, got her license suspended, was divorced by her husband, and now, from last weeks episode, got punched in the face by an intruder and watched someone get murdered in her home.
This is from spanning just a couple of seasons, people. I haven't even been a strict follower of the show over the past few years.
So why must Violet Turner be the one to suffer all these unfortunate situations? Is it Shonda Rhimes believing her character is strong enough to handle each situation? But who can stand to watch one person get beaten down time and time again?
But then it goes back to the original question: why do people tune in to watch these depressing situations in the first place? Why do I even tune in?
Perhaps, even though it all seems to rest of the shoulders of Violet, I know deep down she can pick herself back up and keep truckin'. Sometimes I think I watch these horrible stories so as to see what I could do in that particular situation. Maybe it's therapeutic after a hard day to watch someone go through their own tough day, and have someone to relate to.
But damn, it's hard for this small town white girl going to Emerson to relate to someone like Violet Turner. Girl got her unborn baby cut out of her. Yikes.
With a showrunner like Shonda Rhimes though, you always assume there's going to be a plan for her. Ultimately, I think I watch the show each week with the hope that I'll gain this incredible feeling of watching someone I practically know wind up happy, since in the end, television always comes down to finding a happy ending.
In a recession like this, it'll all you can hope for, really.
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