Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Why is Ellen DeGeneres a Douche?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Best Thing I've Ever Heard
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Violet Turner: Shonda Rhimes' Punching Bag

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Once again Modern Family highlights an inevitable stage in a young parent's life, a characteristic that makes it stand apart from any other show on television today: dealing with a child's first curse word.
And what a word it was: Fuck. Great choice, Lily. I have been prone to say that word myself on many occasions, and as this episode showcased, Lily took full advantage of the emotional benefits that come with saying fuck, as it was bleeped out four times during the episode.
What came to follow, however, was extremely surprising to me. After I sat down to watch another guaranteed hilarious episode of Modern Family, "Little Bo Bleep," I was looking online to find out this week's show has garnered a lot of negative attention, as the Parent Television Council (talk about a buzz kill) was not fond of the word used on network television.
At first, I thought it may have been surrounding this idea that maybe the tiny child actor had to actually say the word, but in reality, she was saying, "fudge." So what's the big deal?
Well, according to Melissa Henson, this poses a huge deal. Stating,
“The more we see and hear this kind of language on television, the more acceptable and common it will become in the real world. Since television is constantly adding to the likelihood that children will be exposed to this kind of language, we will naturally see more and more children eventually emulate that behavior.”
My take? Naaaaah.
C'mon, people! This isn't violence or nudity they're showcasing, it's one simple curse word! Plus, it was not even slipped into the episode as a part of glorifying a certain behavior. Lily is eventually scolded during the episode and practically punished by wearing the ugliest dress ever featured on network television.
And goodness, could they have bleeped it out even more? A bleeped tone and pixels over her mouth? Relax, its the word "fuck," not an episode of Jerry Springer.
I honestly believe the PTC must have not watched that episode to truly think it would affect any child out there. All this episode showcased was once again brilliant writing to portray the trials and tribulations of everyday life for any family out in America.
I almost wish my family was as dysfunctional as the Dunphys (My family's only white... not white and awkward).
So watch the episode and decide for yourself!