SO. As I was getting ready to head out the door for class, I decided to enjoy the gift that VH1 keeps giving: late 1990 SNL episodes.
This morning's episode featured Gwyneth Paltrow and the Barenaked Ladies (talk about 1998 huh?). Paltrow's monologue was actually pretty funny: she came out and began speaking in a British accent. A couple members of the audience came forward to confront Paltrow on why she was doing such a thing, (including former flame, Ben Affleck). However, even though I didn't notice a thing the FIRST time I watched this sketch so many years ago, this morning was different. The second woman that asked Paltrow was she was doing was none other than: TINA FEY.
HELLS YES. And she was practically unrecognizable. Short hair, a LITTLE chubbier, and MUCH more timid than the hollywood starlet that she has become today.
So as I saw it on TV, I freaked out and frantically tried to find it online, or at least a PICTURE of what she looked like. All I could find was this transcript with her name on it:

I was also able to find this ONE picture of her from the 90s, which is pretty close to how she looked on the show.

Can you believe it? From a writer on SNL to a Hollywood movie actress and star of her own TV show. What a transformation and a great little blast from the past.
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