SO. Turns out Punk'd is due for a triumphant return. THIS time its with Justin Bieber as Hostess!
Doesn't he also have a 3D movie about his life in the works? What else is this guy doing?
Ashton Kutcher and Jason Goldberg are back as executive producers and the talk of the town is the show will probably begin episodes sometime next year.
Its nice to see the show have the same "feel" but with a different face to bring in new fans. It would have been interesting to see Ashton Kutcher try to come back as host while all these pesky "cheating" rumors are swirling through Hollywood.
But. Justin Bieber seems to have the same type of hilarious charm Ashton did when he first started the show, and just like Ashton, celebrities can't seem to stay mad at JBiebs.
In other news, Wonder Woman + David E. Kelley = NEW TV SERIES.
YES! Finally Wonder Woman is coming back as a new and improved television series from the genius behind Ally McBeal, David E. Kelley. He has a thing for female centered shows, so this will be very interesting to watch.
Apparently the big question is, will this show be centered around the older look of Wonder Woman, or this apparently "new, rebooted" look. Will a Lasso of Truth be involved? I guess we can only wait and see.
Also, look out SOMEDAY for this mysterious Wonder Woman movie that has been in the works for at LEAST a few years now! COME TIME WARNER. WE WANT LYNDA CARTER
... seriously.
But for now, do something I haven't done in YEARS. literally. : Watch Punk'd!
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