At first, I completely hated the Lost finale. Just sitting there, jaw to the floor, I couldn't believe that was how they were ending this absolutely amazing series. It has taken me this long to write about it because from that point forward, I began thinking and researching about this absolutely epic two and a half hour finale.
Finally, after HOURS of tossing and turning at night (thanks J.J. Abrams), I have come to the conclusion that the lost finale... was... GOOD. Not perfect, not absolutely horrible, but good, maybe even great. Will I ever love it? probably not. But, it left me with a satisfying feeling to the end of what has been to a historic show.
So. The show was about two and a half hours long, which might have been a little unnecessary for what they basically accomplished. If they were giving us the answers to every since Lost question, which they of course didn't, than that's one thing. However, they really were just giving us one general idea so the show ran a little long for me. BUT. Most of the episode was centered around all those who weren't able to see the connection to the island before, have now finally seen the light (I'M HILARIOUS). Sun, Jin, Kate, Locke, Claire, Sawyer and Juliet, all had extremely emotional realizations, and of course, Jack which tied the whole show together.
However, on the island there was a lot more action. Jack killed the Smoke Monster in what has to be one of the most ridiculously epic fights of all time. This was happened when Desmond uncorked the light, and while Richard Alpert begins to age (with his first grey hair) and the smoke monster is no longer invincible. And then what happens? Kate makes herself relevant for THE FIRST TIME and KILLS THE SMOKE MONSTER. Are you serious Lost? Kate is just the mole on the face of the show for SIX SEASONS until the finale when she kills the number one bad guy? I don't know whether to love you or hate you. But either way, it was kind of funny.
The pilot, Miles, and Richard Alpert miraculously get that plane to work and take them, Kate, Sawyer and Claire (who decided to stop being crazy) with them.
However, Hurley, Jack and Ben decided to stay behind and fix the light, which due to the uncorking was showing signs of Hell coming through, and obviously going to destroy the island.
In the end, Hurley becomes the new Jacob, for Jack knows he has to die. Ben decides to stay on the island to help Hurley... and Desmond goes home? I don't know that wasn't really clear.
However, back in the real world, everyone who knows is acting funny. They seem like they "know something" and talk about a "place" where everyone is meeting. It is not until Kate meets up with Jack and convinces him to follow her to a church... where supposedly everyone is inside. HOWEVER, in one of the weirdest parts, as everyone walks in BEN decides to not go in!
As Jack enters through the back entrance of the church he encounters his dad's coffin and it is there he finally remembers. As he opens the casket, its empty, and turns around to find his dad, all sorts of alive. BUT... he's not. HE'S DEAD and so is Jack (and everyone else). And we all find out... THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE WAS PURGATORY. Oh. My. Goodness. The audience sees SOME of the Oceanic Flight and Desmond/Penny entering into a bright light. The finale scene though is back on the island... where Jack lays dying next to vincent (bring on the tears) and the camera cuts close to his eye closing.
WOOSH. I bet I gave that recap NO justice. BUT. here are my revelations/questions:
-So Desmond gets to go into the light but no Miles, Richard, Farraday, or the pilot? Why??
-WHERE WAS WALT? I get why no michael but why no walt?
-Why did Eloise care so much about not getting everyone together? Remember way at the beginning of the season she warned Desmond to not let Charlie get on stage or SOMETHING like that? Why does she care so much?
-So wait, what was the deal with Charles Whitmore? was he not important at all?
-Why THAT island? We still don't know why its important! What does the light have to do with the rest of the world? Why should we care if it destroys the island?
-Ben did not go into the church because he needed to figure a few things out in purgatory because he wasn't a GREAT guy in his time on earth (he had his daughter killed remember)
-MICHAEL did not go into the church because he was stuck on the island as a spirit, he was also kind of a bad guy anyway (he killed two people)
-Aaron was there, and not Sun and Jin's daughter, because it was Aaron being born that would bring both Kate and Claire into the light
-I never really cared about that polar bear anyway.
-The cork that held the light in = the island is a cork to the MIB's wine and Jacob's bottle theory.
-Lost is a character-driven show... which is not what I thought at first. I truly believed that the show was about a plot, about this "island" in which the characters were engulfed by. However, from this finale I learned that the most important part of this show, and what has been for the past six years, was completely about the characters and THEIR stories and RELATIONSHIPS. No wonder they all sat next to their partner when being brought into the light. This show was not really following the island as it was more following Jack, and his obstacles of bringing everyone together.
-The Lost finale ended like every other episode did, filled with questions that are open to interpretation. It stayed true to what it was the whole time and never faltered. I totally understand why people are upset, why that island? But honestly, it's because we have been fooled. Maybe the island hasn't been important all along, but again, it was just a pawn in the story of the relationships these people have formed, a common area that connects them all together. It may be hard to swallow but at the end of the day, having closure to the CHARACTERS is probably one of the best ways for the show to end.
OK. SO. To help digest all this information, I hope this helps:
Also, this video has about every single opinion one could have on the finale, so you will not feel so alone anymore
AND ALSO: Even though I really hated the Jimmy Kimmel Live episode (HAHAHAHA THERE REALLY WEREN'T ANY ALTERNATE ENDINGS... asshole)
he has a couple good theories about the Lost finale meaning. BUT on a side note: Dear Audience Members, you had the opportunity to ask the Lost cast ANYTHING! "do people get scared to go on a plane with you?" .... .... REALLY? REALLY???? whatever.
AND FINALLY- for all those who were just as angry as I was, this will make you laugh:
In the end, one of the best finale's I've seen, and a great end to what has been a great ride. So thank you, Lost