
Tuesday, April 6, 2010


if you haven't watched the episode aired on 4/5/10

So basically, why is it whenever I want to breakup with my 8 year relationship with 24 it sucks me back in?! The eighth season hasn't been pulling me into the story as much as the last ones, and I haven't been as excited to watch the episodes as I use to be. When I was younger, I could bulldoze my way through a pack of buffalos if it meant reaching a television to watch 24 on Mondays. Now, its sort of like... ehhh... if I get around to watching it I will.
For one, I didn't realize that this episode would be TWO HOURS long. WTF 24 some of us have to watch your episodes on hulu sometimes. I tuned in around 8:35 (thanks random Facebook statuses!) and was IMMEDIATELY sucked in to this amazing episode:

1. President Taylor has easily become my favorite president since David Palmer (RIP). Finally the series got around after five seasons to place a level-headed president. BTW- what ever happened to Wayne Palmer? BUT ANYWAYS, President Taylor never flip flops, always does the right thing, and upholds the promises she made to millions of Americans. I was heartbroken to watch her tell Hassan's family of his death, and damn THANK YOU for slapping Roy, that little bitch deserves it...
2. and ROY. WHAT THE HELL. I don't believe he is a bad guy though, he is just trying to do what he thinks is best, a common theme for this show. If I can recall, he definitely pulled a Sherri Palmer not giving Ethan his meds while having a heart attack, which kind of pissed me off. I know its been 8 seasons, but c'mon writers, lets get creative.
3. Why does Ethan always get screwed for sticking up for the President? God forbid he does what he's suppose to do. He's old too, poor guy.
4. Renee Walker: I go back and forth on whether I like her or not. I definitely didn't at the beginning but she's starting to come around. And did ANYONE check out the sexxy scene between her and Jack for the next episode previews? rawr. However, where the fuck did that relationship come from? I need to rewatch last season because I definitely don't remember any sort of connection.
5. DANA WALSH WHYYY. Another typical 24 story line: someone from CTU is working with the terrorists? WHAT?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!!! Come on now. But I'm holding out on Jack's theory that there is a little more into the story of Dana Walsh that isn't being told. I really hope the writers don't just throw out her storyline.
6. Freddie Prinze Jr. is sexy. theend
7. HASSAN NOOOOOOOOOO. I didn't see that one coming. And we know there definitely won't be any Tony syndrome (is it sad that even though we SEE Hassan's neck cut open, I still have to assume he might still be alive?) because there was a SILENT CLOCK at the end of the episode, a 24 feature symbolizing the death of a character. That was sad, that guy ruled. AND: his accent was awesome.
8. good lord. Charles fucking Logan. Are we serious? Maybe that means Mrs. Logan is coming back which means we MIGHT see AARON aka the greatest character in 24 history. Actually, I'm kind of pumped about Charles Logan, if we remember the last time we saw him, he was having a heart attack and it went to commercial... and that was it. For some reason I really like his character, he is such a dweeb but so evil at the same time.
9. Fucking Russia

OK that's enough. I could go on about 24 forever. But to my credit- we now have to enjoy all we can because its been officially announced that it is the LAST season, and when it ends, an era of my life will be over. More about that another time, no tears tonight. JUST BED

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