Besides Logan and Palmer, one of my favorite Presidents throughout the whole series. For the past two seasons Allison Taylor has gone through family drama, divorce... and the dangerous Logan influence. Of course, in typical 24 fashion, just when it seems like a characters going to go one way... BAM. I was almost convinced that she would go through with the peace treaty, but like the Allison Taylor I know and love, she came through in the clutch. Her advise for Jack to flee the country, as Russia AND America will be looking for him was AGAIN a painful reminder that Jack Bauer will never rest... but a great way to end the series.
Then, of course. There's Chloe. As Jack looks up at her from the satellite, exclaiming he never thought she'd be there for him for all those years, I couldn't help but agree. As everyone was getting killed off in the typical 24 style, I was waiting to see what would happen to Chloe... but she just stood there, scowling. Yet, she became such a central character to the series, a trustworthy right hand man for Jack. It would be difficult for any loyal fan to not get a LITTLE teary-eyed as Jack and Chloe said their final (but probs not) goodbyes.
OH HEY, remember when she shot Jack? Who didn't jump there, eh?

My favorite villain throughout the entire series. No one played bad and sneaky like Gregory Itzin in a character he will take with him through the rest of his career. In my opinion, he made the episode plain and simple, and I nearly screamed and jumped right out of my chair when I was CONVINCED he killed himself. I couldn't help but be a LITTLE disappointed when later on in the episode it was explained that he would survive with brain damage, but will quickly forgive producers only if they bring him back in the movie. Thank you, Charles Logan, and if you don't go down in TV history as one of the greatest characters to face the small screen, I will be extremely upset.
Also: biting off Jason's ear? Hilarious. What a great reference to biting out that guy's jugular in the infamous scene during the 5th (?) season premiere.
BUT. I have to say, I did get a little frustrated. I mean, what about Kim? and little Terri? Way to lose sight on things Jack.
Besides that, being able to watch the journey of Jack Bauer has been amazing. Throughout everything he's been though he is still able to come through the other side, keeping sight of what's important. He is a true hero in television, and will greatly be missed.
Thanks again 24, see you in a couple years :-D